eustilly's Diaryland Diary


Oh, the excitement is killing me. Slow down.

It was a wild, off the hook week for me. Just take a look at what all I did:

Friday, June 11th: I think I stayed in and watched movies. Must not have been that exciting because I can't remember right now, but I know I enjoyed it. Well, I might have gone out. I remember thinking I could have gone to Atlanta, but I didn't.

Saturday, June 12th: Hmm. I think I slept late. I remember getting up and not feeling well. Oh! Now I remember! I stayed in the night before because I had a sinus infection. I tried not to do a lot of physical activity during the hot sticky day, but I did go by Heather's and do laundry. Later that night, she and I did sushi and hit the Train show. Awesome! When we left, they gave all of us a CD of recorded first set of the evening. I've worn it out listening to it. Pat is no Prince, but his "Raspberry Beret" cover ain't too shabby! He's so sexy. I love the way he shakes his ass!

Afterwards we went by the Mill (now called the Grill), and caught the tail end of Roosevelt Franklin. They ended with "In Your Eyes" by Peter Gabriel. I asked a guy to dance, and he shot me down. Ice cold! Then Heather proceeded to tell me about how my ex, Adam, who I will probably never stop secretly hoping will come around and love me, was really enthralled by me but thought that I was too good for him. I mean, I guess it's nice that the guy thought he was a lying dog and I didn't deserve that, but come on, man! Hurt me, baby! Make me cry! Just let us try again. I can take it! Okay, so I'm lying. I don't know if I could handle that again. Not that I cried rivers over him, but hell-- I cried while she was just telling me all this. It's hard to hear someone who speaks the dead truth tell you that you and someone she hates are actually perfect together. Despite the fact that she loathes Adam and tells me to stay away from him, she still thinks I am his ideal mate. That kind of hurts the ole ticker.

In fact, maybe I don't really like him as much as I think I do. I think I cried because a wise someone, whose opinion I respect highly, was telling me that a boy and I are perfect for each other. And it wasn't in that cutesy "you guys are both wearing blue-- you're perfect together" kind of crap. It was a real "you compliment each other so well, and he adores you and you adore him" kind of thing. I cried because deep down, I honestly feel like I would never hear anyone say that, nor would I ever feel that with someone. Deep down I am scared I will never be happy with one guy for the rest of my life, and that is what I want most of all in this day.

See, I LOVE being single. I do! And I never feel bad for being single, no matter how many times I play the 3rd/5th/7th wheel. I am glad that my friends respect me enough to invite me along anyway and NOT try to hook me up with some random guy. They know I don't make a big deal out of it. I have a friend who ALWAYS makes it a big drama that she is a 3rd wheel. At one point, when I did have a certain boyfriend figure, I would invite her to hang with us because he and I both thought she was funny. I could have done the shallow thing and tried to find a second boy to serve as her "date," but I respected her enough not to do that. (I HATE it when people do that to me, you know? Do they not think me capable of being secure in our friendships enough to handle being single around them?) And as adults, we should have been able to hang out and do it well. But she just had to make it a drama about being alone. Come on-- it's not like me and my guy were all over each other and rubbing it in your face as a constant reminder that she would die a lonely old spinster!

Anywho, where was I? So yes, I love being single. I don't feel bad for it-- I embrace it. I choose it. And it is fabulous. I'm not even doing this in the name of feminism and independence. I like having Mr. Right Now instead of Mr. Right. Mr. Right can wait his damn turn. He'll be there for me when I am 26 or 27 and ready to settle down. (Shit, that's in two years. Will I really change by then? Will I be ready? Who cares?!?) But you know what, as much as I love it, I do hate those fair-weather friends that always have someone for you to meet. They don't know you well enough to know that you don't want to be shoved together with some random loser just so I am not alone the whole night. Those are the friends who invite you out and ignore you while they suck face with their boyfriend in front of you. Meanwhile, said loser is asking you what your major was for the 8th time and downing way too much alcohol in the longest 15-minute time span of your life. Thanks friend, you're the best.

Back to my rockin' evening. After crying for a while, an acquaintance of mine offered me her Irish Car Bomb and I accepted it through my sniffles. Ah, instead mood lift. We went on to Marty's where we caught Downright and met up with Josh. You all might recall Josh as my longest "relationship" ever-- 4 months. Woohoo! He and his girlfriend of over a year (glad one of us broke our record) were in town and this was the first time I have gotten to meet her. I don't think I did anything ass-worthy. I hope she enjoyed the music. I wish I had gotten into bed earlier than 4am.

Sunday, June 13th: 10am? Eek! I had to get my butt up and meet Art for lunch. I was to go see his new house so I would know where to go to feed his dogs. See, Art had to go home for a few days. His oldest brother died. It was very sad, but Art think he knew it was inevitable with all the surgery complications his bro was having. I was going to feed his dogs while he was away. He actually ended up boarding them at the vet because I could only feed them once while he was away. I felt bad that I couldn't do that one thing for him, but I have two jobs-- it's hard to work around that. Anywho, after a yummy lunch at Maui Taco, I drove home to be with my family. We were going to have a birthday dinner for me consisting of hamburger, hotdoggies, and chips and dip. Yum! (FYI: Did you know that when I was a young babe, my favorite food was chips n' dip? Says so in my baby book! I love baby books. Makes you feel like you knew yourself back then, like you can fake remembering all that shit.) My sis and her husband, 3 of our mutual friends, and Jenn came. We had fun! I got a beautiful purse and an Old Navy gift certificate from Jenn, and my sis gave some funky modern lamps to set on my new set of coffee/end tables, courtesy of Mom and Pop. Thanks guys-- you're the coolest! Carlos, whom I have known since junior high, was telling us of his adventures as a paratrooper for the Army. Carlos is only about 5'6", but he is all muscle. Once, his drill sergeant told everyone to wrestle/fight each other to determine who was the baddest mothafucka. Carlos kicked everyone's ass, even the 6'4" muscular jocks. Then he took on his drill sergeant and kicked his ass, too. Yay for Carlos! He gives great hugs, by the way.

Monday, June 14th: Happy Birthday to me! Sixty-one people visited my webpage on my birthday...and no one wished me well except for raven72d. I no longer have any love for D-landers. (Well, maybe those who roll with porktornado, and bunnymonkey. But that's it. The rest of you have officially dropped down on my list. Macabee still reigns at the top.) Despite the pathetic showing in Fauxfriendland, I had a great day. I couldn't bring myself to do jack or shit on my birthday while at work, so I snuck a read of my magazine. Naughty me! That night we had a gathering at Lakeview Oyster House. The guests that made it were Aaron and his wife, Heather, LL Cool G, Macabee, Janet and her man, Garrett, and Danitza. We had a private dining room upstairs all to ourselves, which was kind of weird because the restaurant is in an old house. Imagine if a hostess seated you in a bedroom that someone just moved out from-- empty, echo-y, and quiet. Creepy. And no ghosts to keep us entertained, so it was up to us! We rearranged the tables and the mood was lifted immensely. Everyone could see each other better. Joy! Food was yummy, everyone had moderate to extreme fun, and I was happy to have my friend with me on my day. I didn't think I had that many, but apparently there is much love for yours truly. *cue fuzzy feelings*

Afterwards G&D and LL&I went to Bailey's where I got a courtesy shot of Jaiggermeister (By the way, if I misspelled that, good! It�s an evil drink not worthy of being spelled properly! Plus, I am too lazy to look it up.). Um, gee, thanks for the future barf, guys. The place was empty, but we sat at the bar next to a group of cute, happy people. One was extremely nice and forward one hour...and he asked for my number. And kissed me. I didn't set out to do that, but I do remember thinking how cool it would be if I got some smoochage on my big day. Thanks God-- you rock. I was a good girl and went home at 11:30. I suck as a birthday-rocker-outer. Actually, I can rock some serious birthday ass, but not on a Monday. Getting hammered the first night of the week just really send the week downhill.

Tuesday, June 15th: worked. woo.

Wednesday, June 16th: Macabee (snaps for the Target gift card) treated me to a show called "Forever Plaid." Per the website, "Sheer musical bliss, Forever Plaid is the hilarious and tuneful story of a four-man group who, on the way to their first professional gig in 1964, experience an unfortunate career setback: they're killed in a crash with a bus full of girls en route to a Beatles concert! But, these squeaky-clean crooners with angelic voices are getting a second chance and have come back to Earth to take their place in the spotlight. Don't miss "The Plaids" and their heavenly harmonies on classic renditions of Three Coins in a Fountain, Love is a Many Splendored Thing and many, many more." It was as fun and goofy as it sounds. We had a great time. Bonus-- we knew one of the dudes in it from school. Wooha!

Thursday, June 17th: worked. No, actually, I think someone took my shift. Oh well. On to...

Friday, June 18th: This weekend was City Stages. I opted to miss Live and Fuel's shows this night and instead stayed home with my kitty. I took him to Pet Supermarket and let him pick out some toys. Then we went by Movie Gallery where he helped me select "Kill Bill" and "Something's Got to Give." I reminded Chubacca that I had seen that before, but he was right-- I needed to see it again. Good call, cat. Yes, I'm a dork. Then kitty went with me to the package store and this time I picked the goods-- hello vodka! We had fun. Everyone everywhere loved Chu-Chu. Who doesn't love a cat that looks like he's in a tuxedo? We both fell asleep on the couch. I woke up at 8am, picked him up, and we crawled into my bed and slept till 11. Yay!

Saturday, June 19th: Joni and I went to see Ashley's band play on the Alabama Sampler stage of City Stages. They played very well, and the crowd really loved them. (I discovered later that people from work were bummed that they missed it. Apparently, the Alabama Gravy Soppers are more popular than I expected!) I had the best day catching all the eclectic acts. Sapien, a world music band that used a didgeridoo (an Aboriginal flute), followed the Soppers and we enjoyed it. Then we caught Wayne "The Train" Hancock on the Dance Depot stage. He did mostly old-timey Western style music, but later that night he busted out the rockabilly. (Hank III plays his stuff all the time.) His bassist was a hottie, too. See? (click on "next" to see him in "rockin' out" mode.) So despite the heat of the afternoon, we had a fun time. We left at around 5pm. They had to go home and I needed to rest up for the night's acts-- Switchfoot and Kid Rock.

I met up with LL Cool G outside the VIP area and she led me to the stage where Skynyrd was playing. (FYI: You would think the "Sweet Home Alabama" ending would have really shaken the city tot he ground, but it was very anti-climactic.) LL introduced me to her boyfriend's friend, Kevin. At first I thought, "Gee, another setup." Except that thought was immediately followed by, "Ding-dong! LL got it right!" Kevin reminded me of my boss in his looks, but acted and talked like Jay. And as it turns out, he was the perfect date for the evening. I forgot how nice it is to have someone to walk around with while holding hands. And when Kid Rock sang "Feel Like Making Love," he asked me to dance. (Just the other day I was telling Heather how much I wanted to slow dance with someone. Thanks God-- you da man!) It was very nice. And we both had on red-- perfect for each other, right? Ha. But seriously, we just might be. He's a Gemini, too! Two monkeys in a tree, we are! He's a very good kisser, and he gives a great back massage. And it's refreshing to hear a guy that isn't afraid of expressing interest. In our first 30 minutes of conversation, he said, "How tall are you, 5'10"? See, I'm 6'4". Man, our kids could be NBA stars!" I told him he looks like he's of German descent, and since I am too, I added, "Yeah, big tall Germans. They'd have to make sure they call themselves German because Americanized white boys that play in the NBA suck. If you're white and not from Croatia or some shit like that, you can't ball!" We laughed. When LL and Will, her man, joined us again, Kevin said, "You guys were gone for awhile. We've gotten engaged and married in the time it took you to get beers." I added, "Yes, and we've already planned our retirement around our son's career in the NBA. You'll come visit us in St. Bart's one day, won't you?" He's wonderful. No guy ever even thinks of mentioning anything that implies long-term prospects, let along a reference to kids. Whoa, Nelly! At 3am, I left my number and email address for him at his request. Let's hope he uses it.

Sunday, June 20th: Drove home for Father's Day. We had the best steaks ever thanks to my sister's mad marinating skills. We had a great afternoon together. Dad got a shirt from me, a Home Depot gift card from Chris and Mark, and I think Mom gave him no grief about smoking for the day. Ha! I didn't stay as long as I did the week before because I had to get back by 6:45pm to meet LL and friends at the Comedy Club. It was her birthday on this day! Whee! Kevin decided to go home early since he had to drive back to Columbus, GA, but Will reported that Kevin was very stoked the next morning. He said that he was excited about having my number and wondering how he could get me to come see him. Well, I'll believe it when I see it, but Will wouldn't say that if it wasn't true...I don't think. The comedians were funny, by the way. I even dreamt about the opening guy later that night. I think he came to my apartment or something. In the dream, not in life. Shame-- he was cute and funny. Anywho. Afterwards I went by to see G&D's new house. Holy crap! It was big and beautiful and on a hill in a nice, one-street neighborhood. Lucky ducks! Party time!

Monday, June 21st: Worked both jobs. Why did it not blow monkey terds*? Because my fun, repeat customers came in and kept me entertained. My fave is this group of guys, ranging in age from 27 to 60ish. They always order the same stuff and sit at the same table. They're the kind of customers that I sit at the table with. Anywho, after they left, the 40-something guy called the restaurant and asked me if I was about to get off work. He invited me to go flying with him and the 27yo for about an hour. I was tempted because the 27yo is nice and kind of cute, and I love flying, but I knew it'd be 1am before I got in the bed, so I declined and took a rain check. It was nice of them to ask me, though. And honestly, I don't think it was in a creepy, older man kind of way that half of you are probably thinking it was. I think it was a "this girl is spunky and nice and is fun so let's ask her to join us as a friend" kind of thing. So there. I ended up not getting in the bed until 12am anyway, but oh well.

Today: Mom is taking tomorrow off to come spend the night tonight and help me clean and decorate my place. Okay, who has the coolest Mom? I do. (A close second goes to Momma Macabee. She's precious!) I can't wait to see her. I know this might sound gross, but I love sleeping with my mom, as in sharing a bed. We've always been so close and we'd always sleep in her bed when dad was away. My sister and I took turns if he was away for more than one night. :) She's the one person in the world who instantly makes me feel calm and safe and loved. I can look at her and just cry because I am so happy to have her for my mom. Okay, starting to tear up here. I better go to lunch.

12:22 pm - 06.22.04


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