eustilly's Diaryland Diary


Voodoo Words and Belligerent Boxers

Do you watch "Nip/Tuck?" Why the hell not?!? Buy season one-- it's friggin' awesome. Seriously, there's something gnarly about a plastic surgeon who, in a effort to make some high school twins feel equally special, beds them both at the same time. Sick? Maybe. Deliciously fun? You bet! I couldn't help but to give the guy snaps.

I met this guy at the Michael Tolcher show last week. He's 40 and a huge psycho-dweeb, but interesting for the most part. Plus he kept me company before the show. Anywho, we exchanged business cards for some reason I forget now and we went to lunch yesterday. Anywho, he refused to take a hint. He asked me to a movie this weekend, and I told him I was possibly either going to Atlanta or Atlanta was coming to me. The conversation was as follows:

"So you're going to see that guy again?"
"Holy shit, I told you about him?"
"Yeah, you mentioned it. I hope you have a horrible time."
"I'm being selfish, but I hope you have a bad time, or he cancels and you stay here so you can go see I, Retard with me."
"Damn, that is selfish. Thanks a lot."
"No problem....Seriously, I hope you have a great time."
"Uh-huh. Sure you do."

Well, the man must have ESP or something, because I don't think Atlanta is going to go down. How freaky is that? Can people actually curse you with negative words? Weird-o-rama. So now I'm disappointed about not getting to see Dusty, but it's okay. My plans for the weekend may be dampened, but my spirits are not. I am confident I'll find something to do. Maybe I'll watch my gerbil transfer her paper puffs from one end to the other. I've never actually watched paint dry, so maybe I'll give that a whirl....

Tomorrow is the last boss-free day, so I better enjoy it and make the most of it. Can it be done? We shall see!

Quoted from a recent Mike Tyson interview: "When I had money, I was an animal. I was so belligerent. I lost all across the board. My life has been a total waste." I'm sorry, but Tyson did not-- nay, could not-- have said that. Belligerent? Tyson doesn't know that word. He's lucky the reporter does all the writing and spell-checking. Ew, I could barely fathom that voice of his oozing out that statement. *shudder* Maybe he meant "ignorant" but got the word wrong?

Know what I love about music? Signature guitar licks. You don't even have to play the guitar or know the notes, but you can still recognize Eddie Van Halen's style. I recently bought the Spiderman 2 soundtrack (excellent movie, by the way) and when I got to #13, I froze. I knew that voice...aha! Jimmy Gnecco from Ours. Sweet! But that sounds so...familiar. I looked at the back of the CD and it read Brian May. Forgive me, but I did not first recognize him as the guitarist for Queen. BUT when I was listening to the song, I distinctly heard a hint of "Bohemian Rhapsody." So when I googled his name, I literally smacked my forehead, not only in duh-ness, but also as a connection response.

P.S. I am what Willis was talkin' 'bout."

9:32 pm - 07.15.04


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