eustilly's Diaryland Diary


Old Fogeys should settle down

I bet you guys hate me. To tease you so bad and then not deliver. Well, the truth is here, so turn your gossip ears on. The switch is located behind the deliciously evil button...

Sunday afternoon we went to Grandma's for church and a baby shower for my cousin's new wifey. She's growing on me-- I think it takes her awhile to open up. We had a fun day, and darn it if our gifts didn't rock! Baby shoes, a cute little jumper with footies, and some diapers. Yippee! Okay, so they weren't better than the super-duper baby seat (baby's first BMW, as I called it), but the little jumper had giraffes on it, people! Giraffes!!!

I wanted to mention briefly my run-ins with diary review sites. My first one was a 77/100, and it made me think, "You know, maybe I'm not the Shit after all." [ :D ] But I was wrong. I got my second review and it's a 99/100. Woohoo! The thing is that everyone around D-land seems to think that the first reviewer is the top review site around, but I think I'm gonna have to disagree on the grounds of immaturity. I got points taken off because a 14-year-old girl couldn't relate to what I was saying, and then she said, and this is paraphrased, "You need more emotion...maturity is boring." She didn't mean in in a negative way, I'm sure, and I don't mean to sound negative here. But maybe-- and I know this sounds crazy,but bear with me guys-- they should get someone older to review diaries of older people. And for that matter, when did being 21+ become the old folks home? Damn, I should start a diaryring for that shit-- The Old Fogeys ring. So anywho, I am contemplating starting my own diary review site for older kids, but I hate being unoriginal, even though it's hard as hell to be original these days. Damn these 2 milleniums' hides! Ha. ha. I do a lot of damning of hides. Speaking of diary review sites, I have joined up as a reviewer for Peach Review, and I might be joining Burnz U!, but that is still up in the air and out in space.

Okay, okay, I'm getting to the good stuff! I miss Ian. I do! Not terribly and to the point of angst, but I do think of him a lot more. And he sent me a great, insightful e-mail:

So that was the first time I've ever met someone via the internet & then in person. I gotta say, meeting you in person was like meeting a total stranger. This is not a bad thing it's just that, you'd think that after 6 months of "talking," I would know you. And while I did know your personality, I didn't know the real you. I guess I've found that I can't know someone in an abstract way. You were everything I thought you'd be but I felt like I was starting from scratch in person. Don't know if you felt the same.
I never thought of it like that. Well, I did, and I knew that, but I have never heard it so eloquently put, you know? It sums it all up if you ask me. We haven't chatted on the phone yet, but we plan on it. Neither of us are big phone people, you see.

I guess you're all asking if I do indeed want to settle down soon. The answer? How about we ask the magic 8ball? My body says "Absolutely," my mind says "Not likely," and my heart says, "Ask again later." My heart would break the tie, but even I can't convice it to stop riding the fence. I have no idea what it's really thinking (and my brain won't tell me-- I sense a conspiracy among my triangle). To speak on neutral grounds, I feel, sometimes, that I really want to start planning things, like how I'll decorate my house, what kind of adult life I want to lead. I suppose I can plan all that without a guy being on my right side, but I know that the one thing I want out of life is a happy, loving marriage. It doesn't have to be right away, but because I'm ready to start planning, the order of the universe would suggest that marriage should come first...before I plan familial things. Makes sense, right? There's a lot of experiences that I am beginning to go through right now, and sometimes I wish I had someone to share it all with. Not just to not be alone, but to really share my joy with someone. Damn, at least give me a boyfriend on a trial basis!

I tried to call Eric last night, but he was eating so I said I'd call him back. I didn't because the new Carrie was on. What did you guys think of the whack changes? I never read the book, so was this one supposed to be more like it? The P.E. teacher lived, which I guess is okay, but she made a couple of negative comments about Carrie, so why did she escape the wrath and not poor, innocent Tommy? That's what also bugged me about the first one. *sigh* It's just a movie... Oh! Eric! Yeah, so I guess I'll call him again tonight if I have time. My cousin just graduated from AF basic training and I hope to go meet him out at Dannelly airfield tonight. I am so excited! I hope he and I get to hang out a lot. It'd be nice to be closer to some of my cousins, and since he's the oldest, we naturally have stuff to talk about. Tell that to diary reviews! :D I also need a new *cough, cough*. Oh, I'm sorry, you didn't hear me? I said bra. BRA! I said BRA! I need a new one, and I found a lovely red one on sale, and not to sound masturbatory, but it felt really good to touch! But apparently, I am not my old size anymore, damn it! I have to go up one more, which sucks, no matter what you people say. It's not all fun and games. Well, some fun, but hell if these games are good to play!

Last night, after the gym, I went to Winn-Dixie for schtuff and guess what happened? High School reunion, part two! I saw Jessica, a girl I graduated with. She was always kind of sweet, but always wanting to belong, you know? Turns out, she works two blocks down the road from me! My sis was with me and we also ran into Kevin, a dude she used to date. We met him when we visited my grandma's church in Greenville. He's from there but lives in Montgomery now. It was so good to see him. While we were talking to him, Dale drove by and honked at me. His older bro and I were good acquaintances, and we all went to church together. Sweet kid, really! Okay, so Kevin and Dale weren't HS buddies, but I knew them while in HS! That counts, dammit!

Okay, enough for now. Apparently, my entries are too long...

Note to self: dream about Buns getting married and also write your pieces-of-you bit.

9:58 am - 11.05.02


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